What are the main benefits of slacklining?

Slacklining is very positive for your health, as well as being so much fun!

There are many health benefits that can be achieved from regular Slacklining sessions including

  • Increasing core strength.
  • Improving concentration and mental focus. Many Slackliners compare the feeling while slacklining to the feelings that arise from meditation and activities such as surfing.
  • Toning of lower body when simply balancing on a line.
  • Additional toning of upper body when performing certain tricks on a Trickline.
  • Burning calories whilst having fun!

Another point that should be highlighted is that the Slackline is extremely addictive. It is not uncommon for people who try slacklining for the first time to keep asking if they can have just one more try. This is very advantageous for parents who cannot get their kids away from the screen or someone who needs extra motivation to exercise.

Then it really is time that you invested in probably the most fun piece of fitness equipment that you will ever own! It is also a cheap and environmentally friendly sport to practice. Once the initial equipment is purchased, there are generally no other costs involved at all.

Setting up your line in a public place such as a beach or park has also many social benefits as it allows you to meet new people. We still have to experience an outdoor session when nobody walks over to us and introduces him or herself asking to try our line.